A Window into the Future of the Yearbook Industry

The 2019 High School Advisors’ Conference

In late July, Entourage Yearbooks hosted the 2019 High School Advisors’ Conference, inviting high school yearbook advisors from all corners of the country to come learn about the latest developments, trends, and techniques in the yearbook industry. Through panels, presentations, and group workshops headed by both Entourage Yearbooks staff and experienced advisors, attendees learned about using yearbooks in their curriculums, improving book design, streamlining the production process, optimizing yearbook sales, and more while connecting and networking with their peers. They were even able to participate in the creation and production of a yearbook that commemorated the conference itself, going from concept to print-in-hand in only two days!

At Entourage Yearbooks, our favorite aspect of the conference is the opportunity it gives us to deepen our relationships with these advisors. It’s certainly many of the advisors’ favorite part of the conference, as well. Many of these advisors have experienced a great amount of frustration with the yearbook process due to difficulties with their previous yearbook companies, issues generating resources, obstacles during the design or production process, or any combination thereof. Between July 24th and 26th, we were able to connect with these advisors as they shared their experiences. The positive feedback we received about our services was immensely gratifying. Their suggestions for new features or improvements to our software were much appreciated.

“Entourage makes it happen,” said Cici, a four-year high school yearbook advisor from Washington, D.C.

On the first day of the conference, the CEO of Entourage Yearbooks, Elias Jo, gave a presentation on the evolution of the yearbook industry. Although some may harbor fears about the fate of yearbooks in relation to “threats” like the dominance of social media platforms, Elias noted that the yearbook industry isn’t going anywhere.

“The yearbook industry is changing, not shrinking. There are more yearbook programs now than 20 years ago,” said Elias.

In his presentation, Elias noted that Entourage Yearbooks sets itself apart from other yearbook companies by paying close attention to four evolutionary trends in the industry:

  • Yearbooks are beginning to look different. There are more ways to access a yearbook than ever. New technologies have enabled the incorporation of multi-media content. Entourage is now even able to personalize individual yearbooks in a print run.

  • Yearbooks are being valued differently. Besides commemorating a students’ time at a high school, yearbooks also help schools stay in contact with alumnae. Yearbooks can also be used as a trusted journalistic source.

  • The process of making the yearbook is changing. Planning and proofing a yearbook while managing a student staff can still prove challenging, but online yearbook software is making the design process easier than ever before.

  • The role of the yearbook advisor is changing. Although yearbook advisors have always worn many hats, they now have to consider how to incorporate social media and other new technologies into the design, content, and production of their yearbooks.

“We are so excited about the evolutionary changes in yearbooks happening today,” Elias concluded. “We want to help our advisors do more, explore more, and create more with their yearbook programs.”

Elias and the entire staff at Entourage Yearbooks extends their heartfelt gratitude to everyone that helped to make this year’s conference such a success. We look forward to seeing everyone at next year’s High School Advisors’ Conference! To learn more about our company and the yearbook services we provide, contact us online or call us at (888) 926-6571 today.


How to Keep your Yearbook Team Organized