Yearbook community showing the fruitful endevours of using the next generation grant.


Entourage Yearbooks leads the charge in transforming school funding with our innovative Next-Generation Grant. At Entourage, we recognize the challenges faced by many schools lacking essential equipment, programs, and infrastructure and are committed to bridging this gap. Our grant aims to empower schools striving for advancement by providing vital resources to enhance educational opportunities for students and communities. Join us in shaping the future of education with Entourage Yearbooks' Next-Generation Grant

Read our PR Web release announcing the Next Generation Grant winners.

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    Whether it's assistance paying for new computer equipment, funding an after-school program, or finally getting out of debt with your previous yearbook provider - we are here to help you accomplish your goals!

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    We understand the difficulty many educators face when it comes to receiving the proper funding for their classrooms and programs. That's why Entourage proudly supports these schools.

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    Yearbooks are a permanent time capsule for school staff members and students. They can become a low priority to fund other school projects. We step in to make sure yearbooks are still possible.

Narrows High School

Narrows, VA

“Narrows is a small town in the heart of central Appalachia. Each year, we work hard to put together a yearbook that can be a beautiful keepsake for students to look back on. Countless hours go into these books from our yearbook staff, who all chose to take the class as an elective. Many of them have expressed that being part of the yearbook gives them a purpose - it makes them feel like they’re leaving their mark on our community and school.

While our community supports and rallies behind the high school, we struggle to make enough money to finance our yearbook through ad sales. Some of our students cannot pay for a yearbook, as we’ve had to raise our prices in order to try to avoid a deficit each year. We are struggling to afford to keep this program afloat. Without the Next Generation Grant, this might have been our last issue.

Thankfully, with the money from this grant, we will be able to afford to create a yearbook this year. Our money will go towards printing costs, as well as give us a starting point for next year. It will give us valuable time to think of more fundraisers for next year, and hopefully help us to be able to continue our program. We are very grateful for the opportunity for the Yearbook Staff of Narrows High School!”

Henry Ford High School

Detroit, MI

“This is our first year using Entourage, and it is our first yearbook in 8 years. We are so excited to have had this chance, and the kids are already asking about plans for next year. However, this year showed us all the obstacles we would be facing to get this done for the school. Primarily, we lack resources. The school was able to purchase a small camera, and I paid for 2 other ones out of my own pocket. However, they aren’t great quality, and we always have a shortage when so many events are going on during the year. With this money, we’d also be able to get more computers, seating, and other classroom equipment.

Bringing back yearbook was a concern for many of the administrators in our building because they knew they wouldn’t have the money to get the class what we needed. I’m grateful I was able to get some of those resources because the experiences the students in this building have had in our yearbook class have been amazing. The culture of our building has always lacked connection between students and adults. Now, I have kids running to me left and right asking if they can help plan events and take pictures at the next school assembly. Their desires to participate in activities and learn more about digital media and technology is exactly what I want to see from this course. And support in getting there would make a world of difference. As we wrap up our first book, a senior came up to me and told me this was his favorite class because he was creating memories to be held onto forever. He had never had the chance to work on graphic design. I think this class and Entourage Yearbooks was one of the best things to happen to our school.”

2024 Recipients

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We accept applications throughout the year, but submissions end on December 15th (tentative). Winners will be decided in January 2025.

  • Grant funding can be utilized for anything that will help further develop your school. However, the grant primarily focuses on funding technology as we believe technology is a powerful tool that encourages better education.

  • Applicants will be notified via email whether they have been selected for funding. You can expect to receive an email from our marketing team within a month after the application deadline.

  • Grant funding is issued via an e-check. Schools can expect to receive grant funding within a month after the December deadline. You will receive an email from Entourage Yearbooks that states when your check will be sent out.

  • Entourage’s Leadership Team reviews grant applications. They diligently evaluate each application sent in and announce the winners in January.

  • Schools can apply if their previous application did not result in grant approval. If your school did receive funding, congrats! We encourage you to wait some time to apply again in order to give other schools the opportunity to receive funding.

  • Yes! We encourage everyone to apply, whether they are an Entourage customer or not. Please send the application form to a teacher administrator from the school you want to nominate. If you are unsure who to send the application to, please fill out the application to the best of your ability - we'll reach out to the school and figure out the rest!

Still Have Questions? Contact Us