Entourage Yearbooks Offers the Fastest Turnaround Time

Did You Know?

Entourage Yearbooks wants schools to know there is still time to capture the memories and legacy of the school year in a customized school yearbook. With turnaround times of as little as three weeks, Entourage features the most accessible resources schools need!

They credit their quick turnaround times to dedicated account managers who work one-on-one with school yearbook committees. Entourage also offers its exclusive yearbook design software and toll-free and online technical support centers. Entourage Yearbooks spares no detail when it comes to customer support.

EDOnline Design Software

The design software is vital in creating and printing quality yearbooks in a flash. Their software is a hybrid of online and desktop software. The online features combine speed, ease of use, and versatile functionality for school yearbook committees. Their yearbook starter kit includes everything needed to create a “legacy of the school year in photos.” Yearbook committees will have access to hundreds of templates that are easily customizable. The software also includes a planning guide. This guide explains everything from the yearbook’s making, marketing, fundraising, hundreds of fonts, clip-arts, tips, tricks, and more.

Wise Words From Entourage Staff

According to Ellen Sillery, Senior Account Manager for Entourage, they can help alleviate about 50% of the workload that would typically be required with other yearbook printers. “Parents and teachers who thought they could not make a yearbook because of the work and complexity of organizing are often pleasantly surprised by the Entourage full-service model,” says Jo. “We provide dedicated account managers who do a lot of work with you, starter kits, online software, and our years of experience building yearbooks for thousands of schools.”

Selecting a yearbook company that offers accelerated yearbook printing is essential. Schools can include photos from their favorite end-of-year events, like prom. Entourage Yearbooks has over a thousand satisfied clients nationwide who are raving about their fast and friendly services.

“Entourage Yearbooks was very flexible, and they helped us manage our deadlines instead of managing to theirs. The price was right, and they helped us at every stage of the process.” – Michelle Glover, Henry Highland Garnett – PS #175

Consumers can read more testimonials online here.

Schools can request a free yearbook sample and a yearbook price proposal here.

About Entourage Yearbooks

Entourage works with high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, colleges/universities, military groups, and churches nationwide to fulfill their yearbook publishing needs. They proudly offer the fastest turnaround time in the industry, as well as affordable prices. In most cases, Entourage Yearbooks are priced 20% below other companies.


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