What Season Fits Your Distribution Goal?
By Lynn
End-of-year delivery:
Have the books in students’ hands during the same school year as the yearbook and memories.
Ability to get signatures from the friends of that year.
Missing the last 2-3 months of activities, events, and games, including graduation, depending on your final submission date. Some yearbook companies want all content submitted by the end of February/March, while others are able to turn a yearbook around in less than a month, so you can submit the final draft at the end of April while still being able to hand out the book by the end of May.
August/Late summer/Prior to the first day of next school year:
Ability to get the entire school year in the book – August to May memories, including graduation and spring sports, spring musical, end-of-year programs, and awards ceremonies.
Extra time to work on the yearbook to complete it after school ends
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